MJX Info
Movie Jabber Expo 2022 is Here! Tickets now on Sale! #MJX2022
Hope you had fun at Otamatsuri 2022 earlier in July, because here we go again…
Movie Jabber Expo 2022
Saturday December 3rd, 2022
10am – 7pm
3rd Floor – The Junction Mall
Ngong, Road
Update [Friday December 2nd, 2022]
Due to the noise control notice currently in effect in Nairobi, and the location of our event, we have been mandated to move MJX2022 indoors.
The same spot as Otamatsuri 2022 early this year for those who attended. Given the smaller space, we have to cap attendance and chances are very high we will not be selling tickets at the gate. BUY YOUR TICKET ONLINE NOW.
The Movie Jabber Expo (MJX in short), is an annual multi-entertainment convention featuring movie screenings, gaming, local and international comic books, merchandise, cosplay, and so much more from the exciting world of popular culture.
MJX event is owned and organized by Movie Jabber.
About The Movie Jabber Expo 2022

With us deep in the organization process, here is a quick rundown of what we have in store for you:
- Cosplay Tournament: As per our tradition, there will be two levels of competition, ”General” tier for the casuals or beginners; and the ”Runway” tier for those more advanced and seeking a greater challenge (and greater prize money)! [CLICK HERE TO REGISTER]
- One Piece Film: Red screenings in cinema. [CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS]
- Gaming: Our official gaming division, ArcadeHero brings you quite the diverse selection of games for both the tournament seekers, and the casual gamers. [CLICK HERE TO REGISTER]
- The Anime Cafe: Our anime and manga division will be in the house with special anime goodies that you wouldn’t want to miss out on.
- Otamatsuri 2023: Exclusive sneak peek at what we have planned for next year’s only, and exclusive, anime/manga convention in Kenya and East Africa.
- Vendors: It’s not everyday you get the chance to choose from a variety of geek merch, products and services. So better start having conversations with your bank account early enough…
- If you would like to sell or showcase your products or services at our event, [CLICK HERE].
- Cinema: Between now and #MJX2022, ticket holders will be the first to be notified of all the special fan screenings we have planned for you. Especially anime lovers… 😉
- Free Comic Book Day: Free comic books for those who check-in early, and different levels of discount per hour of the event. Hint: the earlier you come, the better!
- Homegrown (Kenyan created) games, comics and more!
- Panels featuring content creators.
- Musical and stage performances.
And more! Follow us on social media to stay up to date with developments as they are announced.
Buy Your Tickets Now
”Single” Ticket
Kshs. 1,000 per person
Click here to buy
”Dynamic Duo” Ticket
(A pair of tickets)
Kshs. 850 per person
Expires Sunday, November 20th
Click here to buy
”Fantastic Four” Ticket
(Bundle of four tickets)
Kshs. 800 per person
Expires Sunday, November 6th
Click here to buy
”Squad” Ticket
(Bundle of five tickets)
Kshs. 750 per person.
Expires Sunday October 30th
Click here to buy
No Gate Ticket
Event capacity limit about to be reached.
Respective ticket bundles will close dependent on what comes first; expiry date, or when limit is reached.